Our Leadership
First Baptist Church Provo recognizes the Bible’s teaching that pastors are to lead and shepherd the church. We recognize that only qualified men may serve as pastors and seek to maintain a plurality of men within this office.
Our Pastors

Brendon Scoggin
Pastor of Preaching and Vision
Brendon was born and raised in Amarillo, TX. Upon graduation from Amarillo High School, he moved to Louisville, KY to attend Boyce College where he earned a Bachelors in Biblical and Theological Studies. He then went on to study for a Master of Divinity degree at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Brendon has a heart to see the glorious gospel of grace advance in Utah and beyond. Brendon has served as Pastor of Preaching and Vision at First Baptist Church of Provo since the Fall of 2021.
Brendon is married to Julie, and they have been blessed with five beautiful children, Adelyn, Annie, Ella, Owen, and Arlo.
In his free time, Brendon enjoys recreating in the mountains, reading a good book, and spending valuable time with family and friends.

Ed Romine
Pastor of Education and Evangelism
Ed has been a preacher since 2007, and holds a BA in Music from Henderson State University, MDiv in Biblical Languages and ThM from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, as well as a ThM and Ph.D. from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He serves as the pastor of education and evangelism at First Baptist Church of Provo, Utah. Pastor Ed enjoys reading good fiction and theology books and drinking third-wave coffee with church members.