What to Expect

Our purpose in gathering

First Baptist Church of Provo seeks to fix our eyes on Jesus together every Sunday morning. Our worship is centered on the glory of the one true God of grace who sent His one and only son to satisfy the demands of the law in our place and to die as a sacrificial atonement for the full weight of our sin. In Christ, we have perfect righteousness. In Christ, there is no condemnation. In Christ we are free. We worship to glorify Christ for all that he has done for us.

Our worship service 

Expect our worship services to be gospel focused in every element. You will hear scripture read, prayers voiced, corporate sins confessed, the Lord’s table observed, and the living Word of God preached.

Childcare is available during the service for ages 0-3. We joyfully welcome all other children to sit in the service with their parents/guardians. Wiggles are welcomed.

Our fellowship lunch 

Every Sunday we gather in our Fellowship Hall for lunch immediately after the service. Guests are encouraged to join us for lunch where we can get to know you better!

Pre-k to 5th grade children have a Sunday School class during the lunch. Our children’s leaders will gather up participating children after they have had the chance to finish lunch. The kids class runs from 12:15pm-1:15pm. Parents must stay for lunch for their children to participate in the kids class.

Still have questions about what to expect? We’d love to answer them. Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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